16 января 2025
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Топики для экзаменов по английскому языку и эссе на английском языке

Эссе на английском языке. Продажа нездоровой еды в школах

Эссе на английском языке на тему: "Продажа нездоровой еды в школах"

Essay about saling junk food in schools

According to society's opinion, the fattiness of children directly depends on the school meals. If school sales healthy food, children are in good health. If school provides junk food, pupils suffer from it. Some people think than the only solution of this problem is banning the junk food in schools. But is it right?
On the one hand, it's right. The majority of pupils spends about 8 hours at school, so they have to take meals in it. And, unfortunately, many schools provide with unhealthy food to its pupils like hot dogs, pizzas, chocolate bars, etc. No wonder that children grow fat.
But on the other hand, there is another way of solving this problem. For example, schools can sale less junk food. Or pupils can bring healthy food from home and eat it instead of school meals. My sister does this and she is right, in my opinion.
I think the sale of junk food in schools won't help the fight with fattiness. Children can buy unhealthy food in any store or fast-food restaurant like McDonalds. And, to my mind, one roll or a couple of chocolate bars won't do any harm.
In conclusion I want to say that prohibition of junk food in schools isn't a solution. If they reduce sales of unhealthy meals, it'll be better. Children must eat less hot dogs and rolls and they won't grow fat, and tat's about it.