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Новости российского и мирового футбола

Официальная песня чемпионата мира по футболу 2014

Официальная песня (гимн) чемпионата мира по футболу 2014 - песня We Are One (Ole Ola), которую исполняют американский рэпер Pitbull, американская певица и актриса Дженнифер Лопес и бразильская певица Клаудия Лейтте.

Официальная песня чемпионата мира по футболу 2014 We Are One (Ole Ola)


Текст гимна ЧМ-2014 по футболу

Put your flags up in the sky (put them in the sky)
And wave them side to side (side to side)
Show the world where you're from
(show them where you're from)
Show the world we are one (one love, life)

Ole ole ole ola
Ole ole ole ola
Ole ole ole ola
Ole ole ole ola

When the moment gets tough
You've got keep going
One love, one life, one world, one fight,
Whole world, one night, one place - Brazil,
Everybody put your flags in the sky and do what you feel
It's your world, my world, our world today
And we invite the whole world, whole world to play
It's your world, my world, our world today
And we invite the whole world, whole world to play
Es mi mundo, tu mundo, el mundo de nosotros
Invitamos a todo el mundo a jugar con nosotros

Put your flags up in the sky
(Put them in the sky)
And wave them side to side (side to side)
Show the world where you're from
(show them where you're from)
Show the world we are one (one love, life)

Ole ole ole ola
Ole ole ole ola
Ole ole ole ola
Ole ole ole ola

Jennifer Lopez:
One night watch the world unite
Two sides, one fight and a million eyes
Full heart's gonna work so hard
Shoot, fall, the stars fists raised up towards the sky
Tonight watch the world unite, world unite, world unite
For the fight, fight, fight, one night
Watch the world unite
Two sides, one fight and a million eyes
Hey, hey, hey, forza forza come and sing with me
Hey, hey, hey, ole ola come shout it out with me
Hey, hey, hey, come on now
Hey, hey, hey, come on now
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Put your flags up in the sky
(Put them in the sky)
And wave them side to side (side to side)
Show the world where you're from
(show them where you're from)
Show the world we are one (one love, life)

Ole ole ole ola
Ole ole ole ola
Ole ole ole ola
Ole ole ole ola

Claudia Leitte:
É meu, é seu
Hoje é tudo nosso
Quando chega o mundo inteiro pra jogar é pra mostrar que eu posso
Torcer, chorar, sorrir, gritar
Não importar o resultado, vamos extravasar

Put your flags up in the sky
(Put them in the sky)
And wave them side to side (side to side)
Show the world where you're from
(show them where you're from)
Show the world we are one (one love, life)

Ole ole ole ola
Ole ole ole ola
Ole ole ole ola
Ole ole ole ola