07 октября 2024
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Топики для экзаменов по английскому языку и эссе на английском языке

Топики для экзаменов по английскому языку. Тема: Women in business (Женщины и карьера)

Топик "Women in business" для сдачи экзамена по английскому в школе

Women in business aren’t a rare nowadays. A lot of women get their children to a kindergarten and go back to work to resume their careers. Now it surprised nobody. But there are some people who think that if a woman in business is a very bad thing. They think that if the woman leaves her family and go out to work, she isn’t very good mother and wife. A woman must be at home and do all household chores. She must wash the dirty places after the meal, make the bed, clean the house, do the washing up, etc. But I think this position is wrong. In my opinion, a woman should follow her own heart. If she wants to stay at home and become a housewife – no problem. If she wants to go out to work and be a business woman – she may do it. We are living in the free country and a woman can do whatever she wants. I think, it’s good when a woman goes out to work. Women shouldn’t depend on men. So, if a woman goes out to work and earns money for the family like her husband, it’s fine.
Can women gain success in business? Of course, they can but how? I think, a woman must be easygoing and hardworking. An easygoing woman can meet new people without any embarrassment, so she may make a good impression and it will be OK for her career. And a hardworking woman will definitely gain success because of her great desire to work. A woman who wants to gain success must do her favourite job. A woman journalist who loves the profession of journalist will be more successful then a woman architect who hates her profession.
So, women in business aren’t such a bad thing. If a woman wants to have a family and a career, that’s fine. If she decides to be a housewife, that’s also fine, because it’s woman’s own choice.