19 сентября 2024
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Топики для экзаменов по английскому языку и эссе на английском языке

Эссе на английском языке. Поиск информации в Интернете

Эссе на английском языке на тему: "Поиск информации в Интернете"

An essay about finding out information in the Internet

Some people think the Internet is a good way of finding out information. But oters disagree with it. Who's right?
From my point of view, the Internet is really useful, if you want to find out information. It's fast and simple in use. You just type a word or a sentense in the search engine like Google and in a few seconds you can see lots of information about the object you need.
But there are some disadvantages. The Internet provides a lot of useful information but also there are many useless thing in it. The Internet is too packed out of advertisment, in my opinion. Lots of report need to be downloaded before you can read them, it's a disadvantage too.
The Internet is a good thing but it would be much better if it hadn't got so much ad. You can find these bright signs in every site and it's really annoying. You just want to find out something but you see only advertisment. And if you go through lots of it, you can find another problem. You are offered to download the report but you need to send some texts from your mobile phone to do it. It's the worst thing in the whole Internet, in my opinion. Why can't I just download this report? Why must I spend the money?
So, finding out information un the Internet has disadvantages and advantages. And only you can decide use it or not.